Collector motorbike insurance: Which one to choose?

Why insure your special motorbike with standard cover? After all, your motorbike is anything but standard. With vintage and classic motorbike insurance, you not only get broader protection on the agreed value, but you can also potentially save hundreds of pounds per motorbike on your annual premium.

When is a motorbike considered a rare collection?

Classic, vintage or collectible motorbikes are considered as such when they are at least 30 years old and look like they were intended when they were first manufactured or constructed. However, sometimes a motorbike is less old but classified as an antique vehicle. Classic motorbikes should generally be stored in a garage and should not be your daily transport vehicle, although they can be ridden on semi-regular basis. A custom motorbike that has been largely rebuilt with fabricated parts could still be classified as a "classic". These modifications could also classify it as a custom motorbike in the eyes of an insurance company. This could have major ramifications that are different from vintage motorbike insurance. Indeed, the cost and labour associated with repairs to a custom motorbike can be quite high.

Is vintage motorbike insurance different from standard motorbike cover?

Insurers generally offer lower premiums to owners of classic motorbikes for the following reasons: classic motorbikes are often maintained with passion and parts are rare. The owner of a classic motorbike rarely takes his or her bike out of service, which considerably reduces the risk. As a result, the owner is less likely to reclaim the motorbike. To qualify for collector insurance, the motorcyclist should have had a motorbike licence for at least three years and be at least 21 years old. They should also have another vehicle for regular use, to ensure that the collector motorbike is only used occasionally.

What insurance do I need for a classic motorbike?

If you plan to ride your vintage motorbike on the roads, you are subject to the same local laws and motorbike insurance requirements. It doesn't matter if you regularly go on weekend trips on your vintage bike or if you only use it once a year, you will need insurance to ride legally. This also applies if you have a smaller motorbike, such as a moped or classic scooter, as you will usually need insurance to ride on public roads. Personal injury and property damage liability insurance covers expenses related to injuries or damage you may cause to others or their property while riding. For example, if you hit a pedestrian, your liability insurance will cover the cost of the pedestrian's injuries, within the limits of your policy. Motorbike liability insurance is required and is usually included in most policies. For a classic or vintage motorbike, comprehensive and collision damage insurance are two of the most essential forms of cover, as they cover the cost of repairing or replacing your motorbike if it is damaged or stolen. Your policy can cover both the motorbike and the sidecar, if you have one. Another popular type of optional motorbike insurance coverage is medical payments that pay your own medical bills in the event of an accident. Even owners of older motorbikes who don't ride often should always consider comprehensive insurance. There are many potential scenarios where collectors' motorbike insurance could prove beneficial.

What extras can you get with collectors’ motorbike insurance?

Depending on the provider you choose, you will usually be able to add the following extras to your policy: Some packages include natural disaster and fire cover together or separately; this will depend on the company you choose and the policy. Accessory cover: This will cover you if your accessories, such as helmets or leathers, are damaged, lost or stolen. Breakdown cover: with breakdown cover, you will get roadside assistance if your classic motorbike breaks down. Motorbike fleet cover: you can add more than one motorbike to your policy, which can often be cheaper than taking out separate cover for each motorbike. Additional driver cover: this insures your motorbike even when ridden by another person. Alteration cover: if you have modified your motorbike in any way, you may need an additional policy to cover you. Lock and key cover: cthis overs the cost of losing your keys. Incorrect fuel cover: this covers you for repair costs if you accidentally use the wrong fuel. Event cover: this is a special level of cover when you take your classic motorbike to events and trade shows.

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